all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 6HE 43 0 51.52468 0.061688
E6 6HF 20 0 51.524037 0.063446
E6 6HG 22 0 51.524187 0.063122
E6 6HH 52 0 51.525303 0.060995
E6 6HJ 52 0 51.523676 0.058932
E6 6HL 37 0 51.523371 0.058875
E6 6HN 24 0 51.522985 0.058858
E6 6HP 44 0 51.523203 0.060742
E6 6HQ 59 0 51.524889 0.061005
E6 6HR 38 0 51.523089 0.061083
E6 6HS 16 0 51.521906 0.06139
E6 6HT 14 0 51.5222 0.062556
E6 6HU 20 0 51.52265 0.063052
E6 6HW 17 0 51.523208 0.059992
E6 6HX 22 0 51.523873 0.061536
E6 6HY 16 0 51.523663 0.060691
E6 6HZ 11 0 51.524866 0.060284
E6 6JA 27 0 51.524156 0.059214
E6 6JB 37 1 51.524271 0.058844
E6 6JD 36 0 51.523713 0.057839