all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 6JF 2 2 51.520813 0.06278
E6 6JG 1 1 51.516634 0.068647
E6 6LA 15 14 51.51708 0.064327
E6 6LB 29 0 51.515635 0.065157
E6 6LD 34 0 51.515348 0.063544
E6 6LE 77 0 51.515173 0.067384
E6 6LF 1 1 51.517741 0.070643
E6 6LG 7 6 51.521308 0.070889
E6 6LH 13 10 51.523183 0.070124
E6 6LJ 25 0 51.515401 0.06823
E6 6LL 3 2 51.516787 0.066117
E6 6LR 1 1 51.5189 0.063041
E6 6LS 13 10 51.516132 0.070137
E6 6LW 8 6 51.518717 0.067343
E6 6NB 57 0 51.516132 0.068595
E6 6ND 10 0 51.515605 0.067851
E6 6NE 9 0 51.515516 0.068841
E6 6NH 8 0 51.516147 0.067241
E6 6NJ 59 0 51.516247 0.065631
E6 6NL 6 0 51.516185 0.066608