all postcodes in EN9 / WALTHAM ABBEY

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Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN9 1DE 1 1 51.687181 -0.004736
EN9 1DG 12 7 51.687627 -0.004499
EN9 1DJ 1 0 51.687714 -0.003037
EN9 1DL 9 5 51.687067 -0.00253
EN9 1DN 1 1 51.686969 -0.0023
EN9 1DP 9 6 51.686528 -0.002262
EN9 1DR 1 1 51.684985 -0.01412
EN9 1DS 11 4 51.686342 -0.002979
EN9 1DT 8 0 51.687704 -0.004236
EN9 1DU 14 6 51.686838 -0.003058
EN9 1DX 7 2 51.686992 -0.003445
EN9 1DY 4 0 51.686997 -0.00554
EN9 1DZ 7 0 51.687304 -0.005584
EN9 1ED 16 4 51.687032 5.8E-5
EN9 1EE 31 11 51.686998 -0.001344
EN9 1EF 1 1 51.6869 -0.001727
EN9 1EJ 29 11 51.686898 9.0E-6
EN9 1EL 10 2 51.686628 -0.000232
EN9 1EP 5 0 51.686525 -0.000526
EN9 1EQ 15 1 51.687035 -0.00033