all postcodes in FK2 / FALKIRK

find any address or company within the FK2 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK2 7BL 0 56.008874 -3.785126
FK2 7BN 0 56.008962 -3.782789
FK2 7BQ 6 56.008646 -3.784153
FK2 7BS 0 56.008172 -3.78427
FK2 7BT 3 56.007906 -3.785595
FK2 7BU 0 56.009966 -3.784824
FK2 7BX 4 56.008488 -3.785125
FK2 7BY 9 56.007693 -3.784751
FK2 7BZ 9 56.006651 -3.784719
FK2 7DD 6 56.007165 -3.784005
FK2 7DE 0 56.002833 -3.772804
FK2 7DF 0 56.002581 -3.773466
FK2 7DH 2 56.006609 -3.783274
FK2 7DJ 6 56.005645 -3.784095
FK2 7DL 4 56.005717 -3.78474
FK2 7DN 0 56.005219 -3.782504
FK2 7DP 0 56.007051 -3.781353
FK2 7DQ 0 56.007303 -3.782536
FK2 7DR 0 56.006225 -3.781909
FK2 7DS 0 56.005891 -3.783208