all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

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Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 2DX 18 0 56.116322 -3.935476
FK8 2DY 18 1 56.115344 -3.934816
FK8 2DZ 38 21 56.114301 -3.93486
FK8 2EA 45 24 56.116978 -3.93374
FK8 2ED 21 8 56.11816 -3.935729
FK8 2EE 18 12 56.117516 -3.935675
FK8 2EJ 19 6 56.117367 -3.936584
FK8 2EN 1 1 56.116694 -3.9358
FK8 2EQ 8 0 56.118532 -3.935661
FK8 2ER 31 12 56.11605 -3.936888
FK8 2ET 1 1 56.113371 -3.936824
FK8 2EW 13 3 56.116603 -3.93661
FK8 2EX 1 1 56.115305 -3.937259
FK8 2EY 1 1 56.114994 -3.937034
FK8 2EZ 19 10 56.114774 -3.937312
FK8 2HA 1 1 56.112129 -3.936375
FK8 2HD 1 1 56.109707 -3.938393
FK8 2HF 1 1 56.110561 -3.939529
FK8 2HG 8 0 56.108754 -3.941272
FK8 2HH 4 0 56.10949 -3.943641