all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 2HJ 13 0 56.107875 -3.942868
FK8 2HL 17 0 56.108477 -3.944709
FK8 2HN 11 0 56.109839 -3.946006
FK8 2HP 1 1 56.110805 -3.939445
FK8 2HQ 10 0 56.109021 -3.942604
FK8 2HU 1 1 56.118227 -3.939513
FK8 2HW 1 0 56.109671 -3.939533
FK8 2HX 4 4 56.118084 -3.938846
FK8 2HY 15 0 56.115653 -3.942568
FK8 2HZ 22 0 56.116723 -3.940396
FK8 2JA 1 1 56.11525 -3.940779
FK8 2JB 12 0 56.115379 -3.94175
FK8 2JD 2 0 56.112875 -3.945044
FK8 2JE 11 0 56.112422 -3.94403
FK8 2JF 3 0 56.112502 -3.945208
FK8 2JH 15 0 56.11062 -3.944888
FK8 2JJ 19 0 56.108919 -3.943901
FK8 2JL 18 0 56.109932 -3.943534
FK8 2JN 17 0 56.112044 -3.944761
FK8 2JP 11 0 56.111516 -3.946204