all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 2JQ 3 0 56.112769 -3.942519
FK8 2JR 1 1 56.111427 -3.948419
FK8 2JS 12 1 56.112601 -3.946477
FK8 2JT 28 1 56.113718 -3.943478
FK8 2JW 8 0 56.111508 -3.943431
FK8 2JX 43 0 56.110513 -3.94255
FK8 2JY 10 0 56.111509 -3.947812
FK8 2JZ 17 0 56.111471 -3.941087
FK8 2LA 27 0 56.115846 -3.937891
FK8 2LD 16 4 56.117251 -3.937109
FK8 2LF 1 1 56.116731 -3.937002
FK8 2LJ 27 8 56.116196 -3.937346
FK8 2LL 2 0 56.116755 -3.937106
FK8 2LP 4 4 56.115885 -3.937513
FK8 2LQ 19 6 56.116731 -3.938022
FK8 2LR 1 1 56.115797 -3.937551
FK8 2LT 40 7 56.115789 -3.93866
FK8 2LX 8 0 56.114932 -3.939968
FK8 2LY 1 0 56.115043 -3.941942
FK8 2NA 4 0 56.114246 -3.940722