all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 2ND 12 8 56.114411 -3.938677
FK8 2NE 17 4 56.112574 -3.939062
FK8 2NH 12 0 56.11198 -3.939659
FK8 2NN 28 6 56.113066 -3.94092
FK8 2NQ 8 3 56.111305 -3.939084
FK8 2NR 6 0 56.111533 -3.942312
FK8 2NU 6 0 56.111134 -3.940764
FK8 2NW 2 0 56.113357 -3.942446
FK8 2PA 1 1 56.104908 -3.945961
FK8 2PB 27 0 56.108784 -3.94851
FK8 2PD 6 0 56.108632 -3.950175
FK8 2PE 18 0 56.109289 -3.950642
FK8 2PF 24 0 56.107583 -3.950604
FK8 2PG 22 0 56.107904 -3.952438
FK8 2PH 16 0 56.107008 -3.952248
FK8 2PJ 32 0 56.10499 -3.952017
FK8 2PL 28 0 56.10553 -3.953701
FK8 2PN 25 0 56.106042 -3.953132
FK8 2PQ 19 0 56.106298 -3.951118
FK8 2PR 45 0 56.106898 -3.948994