all postcodes in G12 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G12 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G12 0JX 12 0 55.889741 -4.306851
G12 0JY 18 0 55.890361 -4.308295
G12 0JZ 2 0 55.890073 -4.307544
G12 0LA 1 0 55.890714 -4.307676
G12 0LB 36 0 55.891184 -4.307049
G12 0LE 21 0 55.891121 -4.309924
G12 0LF 19 0 55.890569 -4.310131
G12 0LG 25 0 55.890545 -4.308994
G12 0LH 15 0 55.890155 -4.310618
G12 0LJ 24 0 55.889859 -4.3106
G12 0LL 10 0 55.889299 -4.308376
G12 0LN 23 0 55.889466 -4.310465
G12 0LQ 1 0 55.889973 -4.308832
G12 0LR 52 0 55.888654 -4.30007
G12 0LT 68 0 55.888991 -4.299354
G12 0LU 20 0 55.885986 -4.308163
G12 0LX 28 0 55.887423 -4.308728
G12 0LY 17 0 55.888278 -4.31201
G12 0LZ 41 0 55.888319 -4.310797
G12 0NA 12 0 55.887205 -4.30742