all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 7JB 1 1 55.865121 -4.28049
G3 7JR 18 7 55.866719 -4.276732
G3 7JS 2 0 55.866518 -4.278528
G3 7JT 22 16 55.866273 -4.277698
G3 7JU 1 1 55.866183 -4.280122
G3 7LA 5 5 55.866189 -4.278619
G3 7LD 22 1 55.866165 -4.279416
G3 7LE 6 5 55.86626 -4.280157
G3 7LH 18 2 55.866599 -4.279491
G3 7LL 35 0 55.864144 -4.273049
G3 7LW 43 12 55.866748 -4.277758
G3 7NB 22 12 55.865652 -4.278733
G3 7NQ 1 1 55.865688 -4.27755
G3 7NR 14 7 55.866285 -4.28075
G3 7NT 52 0 55.866565 -4.281597
G3 7NY 24 10 55.866592 -4.282799
G3 7PB 6 4 55.865633 -4.2744
G3 7PA 6 0 55.866153 -4.282037
G3 7PH 1 1 55.865964 -4.272518
G3 7PJ 25 7 55.86579 -4.275145