all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 7DW 59 3 55.865544 -4.272699
G3 7DX 37 8 55.865054 -4.27486
G3 7EE 31 3 55.86508 -4.273967
G3 7EF 49 0 55.864635 -4.274724
G3 7EG 44 0 55.864224 -4.275051
G3 7EH 73 1 55.864563 -4.271763
G3 7ER 24 2 55.863438 -4.275772
G3 7ES 16 0 55.863332 -4.275191
G3 7HA 11 1 55.863453 -4.279337
G3 7HB 6 0 55.863605 -4.279874
G3 7HD 42 0 55.863868 -4.280672
G3 7HE 2 2 55.864144 -4.281521
G3 7HF 46 0 55.864329 -4.28153
G3 7HH 49 1 55.864585 -4.282233
G3 7HP 1 1 55.864523 -4.279977
G3 7HQ 68 0 55.864927 -4.282205
G3 7HR 25 1 55.864904 -4.277632
G3 7HS 2 1 55.865428 -4.278688
G3 7HU 4 3 55.865291 -4.276362
G3 7HY 76 3 55.865209 -4.277666