all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 7TF 6 5 55.865695 -4.284455
G3 7TG 54 0 55.865986 -4.285192
G3 7TH 32 2 55.866215 -4.285972
G3 7TJ 14 1 55.865396 -4.285718
G3 7TS 43 0 55.866437 -4.285618
G3 7TT 28 1 55.866821 -4.28572
G3 7TU 18 0 55.866569 -4.28481
G3 7TX 40 1 55.866216 -4.287363
G3 7TY 16 0 55.866604 -4.286315
G3 7TZ 52 1 55.866456 -4.287968
G3 7UA 25 1 55.866793 -4.289203
G3 7UB 1 1 55.866469 -4.289409
G3 7UD 8 1 55.866872 -4.289287
G3 7UE 37 0 55.867194 -4.290313
G3 7UJ 1 1 55.866605 -4.2719
G3 7UL 46 18 55.867319 -4.27194
G3 7UR 1 0 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 7UY 41 6 55.867806 -4.273504
G3 7XP 12 1 55.867904 -4.27581
G3 7XR 42 1 55.867672 -4.277876