all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 7XS 6 0 55.867903 -4.278945
G3 7YD 7 0 55.867938 -4.277858
G3 7YE 27 2 55.867873 -4.2799
G3 7YL 7 1 55.867953 -4.279489
G3 7YR 2 1 55.867815 -4.276462
G3 7YW 9 2 55.868057 -4.273551
G3 7QD 3 0 55.866848 -4.273638
G3 7BW 0 55.865259 -4.272571
G3 7HW 52 0 55.864391 -4.28107
G3 7TA 1 1 55.867101 -4.287321
G3 7LU 38 0 55.866165 -4.279416
G3 7LX 37 0 55.86616 -4.279402
G3 8AA 8 2 55.866605 -4.289623
G3 8AB 26 5 55.866911 -4.290089
G3 8AD 15 2 55.867296 -4.291134
G3 8AE 58 1 55.867482 -4.29193
G3 8AF 15 4 55.86778 -4.29169
G3 8AG 1 1 55.868586 -4.290573
G3 8AH 36 0 55.867883 -4.291936
G3 8AJ 31 0 55.867682 -4.293075