all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 8UR 2 2 55.862586 -4.271489
G3 8UT 56 0 55.862788 -4.272043
G3 8UU 89 1 55.862673 -4.273874
G3 8WB 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 8XS 48 0 55.862279 -4.275483
G3 8XU 36 3 55.863191 -4.276014
G3 8XZ 27 7 55.863184 -4.27734
G3 8YJ 23 6 55.863272 -4.279121
G3 8YW 1 1 55.860895 -4.288808
G3 8ZY 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 8GA 40 0 55.862967 -4.289505
G3 8GE 32 0 55.862324 -4.287374
G3 8GF 32 0 55.862509 -4.288056
G3 8PQ 1 1 55.864271 -4.294042
G3 8JJ 54 0 55.857257 -4.275123
G3 8LJ 1 1 55.864641 -4.286008
G3 8UJ 5 55.86189 -4.274435
G3 8LP 0 55.864959 -4.283421
G3 8JN 40 0 55.857624 -4.279092
G3 8GG 0 55.861533 -4.27817