all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 8TB 10 4 55.864913 -4.285384
G3 8TD 28 10 55.865111 -4.284885
G3 8TE 47 13 55.865585 -4.286463
G3 8TH 37 1 55.865837 -4.288411
G3 8TJ 43 3 55.866163 -4.288271
G3 8TL 86 8 55.866917 -4.290713
G3 8TN 39 3 55.866375 -4.290888
G3 8TP 11 0 55.866053 -4.290294
G3 8TQ 50 6 55.86537 -4.286929
G3 8TR 1 0 55.866031 -4.290037
G3 8TT 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 8TW 19 0 55.865932 -4.290527
G3 8TX 47 5 55.864895 -4.29168
G3 8UD 1 0 55.861883 -4.270919
G3 8UE 1 1 55.861768 -4.267397
G3 8UF 53 2 55.860699 -4.272256
G3 8UG 35 1 55.861269 -4.273488
G3 8UH 8 0 55.86077 -4.272772
G3 8UN 8 0 55.861823 -4.274176
G3 8UQ 1 1 55.8615 -4.271696