all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 8RN 64 0 55.863314 -4.273224
G3 8RQ 24 0 55.866729 -4.29214
G3 8RR 1 1 55.860208 -4.268664
G3 8RW 33 0 55.865729 -4.291761
G3 8RX 64 1 55.866412 -4.291322
G3 8RZ 16 0 55.866397 -4.292761
G3 8SA 20 0 55.864834 -4.293994
G3 8SB 40 0 55.866801 -4.293583
G3 8SD 32 0 55.867109 -4.293953
G3 8SE 40 0 55.866799 -4.29419
G3 8SF 32 0 55.86688 -4.294626
G3 8SG 32 0 55.866493 -4.294651
G3 8SJ 1 1 55.866678 -4.296804
G3 8SL 33 1 55.866401 -4.295269
G3 8SN 32 0 55.866879 -4.295202
G3 8SQ 32 0 55.867099 -4.294975
G3 8SR 18 0 55.86545 -4.293711
G3 8SS 34 0 55.865396 -4.294699
G3 8SU 25 0 55.865566 -4.296675
G3 8SW 38 0 55.865744 -4.295342