all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 6PL 31 0 55.867307 -4.261901
G3 6PN 5 1 55.867372 -4.262241
G3 6PQ 23 0 55.867798 -4.263065
G3 6PR 8 0 55.868132 -4.263468
G3 6PT 27 0 55.867931 -4.264096
G3 6PW 9 3 55.867137 -4.262819
G3 6QD 32 0 55.867766 -4.265732
G3 6QL 34 0 55.867648 -4.267276
G3 6QN 50 1 55.868062 -4.267732
G3 6QQ 8 0 55.868319 -4.265013
G3 6QR 32 0 55.868497 -4.267533
G3 6QT 30 0 55.867725 -4.265075
G3 6QX 5 4 55.866342 -4.260103
G3 6QZ 1 0 55.865667 -4.260655
G3 6RB 2 2 55.865678 -4.261217
G3 6RD 16 0 55.865799 -4.261798
G3 6RE 5 4 55.866252 -4.2616
G3 6RF 20 2 55.866155 -4.261994
G3 6RG 17 1 55.865924 -4.262812
G3 6RH 7 1 55.867027 -4.262908