all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 6RJ 1 1 55.866723 -4.263322
G3 6RN 39 3 55.86671 -4.260318
G3 6RP 1 1 55.866365 -4.260538
G3 6RQ 1 1 55.865948 -4.263662
G3 6RU 25 10 55.866822 -4.259923
G3 6SF 17 2 55.867545 -4.261132
G3 6SG 3 0 55.867777 -4.261721
G3 6SH 11 0 55.867084 -4.260802
G3 6SJ 33 1 55.86715 -4.26015
G3 6SQ 15 1 55.867129 -4.2613
G3 6ST 59 7 55.866115 -4.260729
G3 6TT 37 2 55.866589 -4.268173
G3 6TX 9 8 55.866709 -4.266054
G3 6TY 28 0 55.867106 -4.266429
G3 6UA 78 1 55.867493 -4.266899
G3 6UB 10 1 55.867355 -4.268042
G3 6UG 1 1 55.866529 -4.267756
G3 6UJ 20 6 55.866682 -4.270626
G3 6UR 36 4 55.868193 -4.272057
G3 6UT 34 0 55.868759 -4.271848