all postcodes in G65 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G65 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G65 9TS 4 1 55.951796 -4.049387
G65 9TW 2 2 55.951015 -4.065689
G65 9UG 4 0 55.979178 -4.059699
G65 9UH 7 0 55.980196 -4.058984
G65 9UJ 5 1 55.981107 -4.059321
G65 9UL 59 0 55.979704 -4.062051
G65 9UN 43 0 55.979387 -4.061698
G65 9UP 31 0 55.979399 -4.060961
G65 9UQ 32 0 55.980375 -4.058512
G65 9UW 12 0 55.980083 -4.059314
G65 9BX 1 1 55.974526 -4.079822
G65 9SE 2 0 55.970763 -4.049323
G65 9SF 7 0 55.951067 -4.090064
G65 9SQ 7 0 55.950845 -4.090981
G65 9SD 17 0 55.950685 -4.091405
G65 9HA 1 1 55.957373 -4.035736
G65 9RR 31 0 55.955771 -4.08901
G65 9RS 17 0 55.956394 -4.088621
G65 9RT 9 0 55.956005 -4.090064
G65 9NG 1 0 55.966378 -4.091835