all postcodes in G65 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G65 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G65 9JH 36 0 55.954803 -4.040399
G65 9JJ 20 0 55.955041 -4.042318
G65 9JL 19 0 55.954882 -4.041589
G65 9JN 1 1 55.976823 -4.062065
G65 9JW 1 1 55.977044 -4.064202
G65 9JX 26 22 55.975695 -4.06287
G65 9JY 1 1 55.977269 -4.062066
G65 9JZ 5 0 55.976411 -4.073544
G65 9LA 9 0 55.979618 -4.077569
G65 9LB 2 0 55.983138 -4.077758
G65 9LF 1 0 55.975142 -4.108079
G65 9LG 8 0 55.981215 -4.106646
G65 9LH 2 0 55.958456 -4.086511
G65 9LJ 2 0 55.954085 -4.098337
G65 9LL 1 0 55.958269 -4.081385
G65 9LN 3 0 55.950748 -4.071739
G65 9LP 3 3 55.959761 -4.084242
G65 9LQ 7 0 55.969081 -4.093006
G65 9LR 41 0 55.975183 -4.074937
G65 9LS 20 0 55.975355 -4.072766