all postcodes in G65 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G65 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G65 9SG 19 4 55.967134 -4.052233
G65 9SH 46 1 55.95123 -4.083121
G65 9SJ 4 0 55.95071 -4.08572
G65 9SL 8 0 55.950859 -4.086993
G65 9SN 1 0 55.950715 -4.08753
G65 9SP 24 0 55.950631 -4.088791
G65 9SR 35 0 55.951232 -4.088295
G65 9SS 19 0 55.950164 -4.087148
G65 9ST 17 0 55.94991 -4.088384
G65 9SU 45 0 55.949407 -4.087796
G65 9SW 8 0 55.950091 -4.089867
G65 9SX 19 0 55.949727 -4.089623
G65 9SY 7 0 55.94976 -4.08711
G65 9SZ 7 0 55.950531 -4.086175
G65 9TA 6 2 55.952933 -4.083405
G65 9TF 1 0 55.977818 -4.07059
G65 9TL 12 0 55.958104 -4.04187
G65 9TN 6 0 55.950372 -4.08812
G65 9TP 9 1 55.954986 -4.050684
G65 9TR 2 0 55.957437 -4.052447