all postcodes in G65 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G65 9HH 6 0 55.960351 -4.042357
G65 9HJ 48 0 55.959712 -4.040273
G65 9HL 14 0 55.960049 -4.041604
G65 9HN 12 1 55.959007 -4.040492
G65 9HP 8 0 55.958814 -4.041283
G65 9HQ 48 0 55.961006 -4.042969
G65 9HR 36 0 55.959646 -4.042048
G65 9HS 6 0 55.960066 -4.043304
G65 9HT 27 3 55.959353 -4.042946
G65 9HU 2 0 55.956885 -4.040228
G65 9HW 3 0 55.958786 -4.040817
G65 9HX 6 0 55.958473 -4.040737
G65 9HY 5 2 55.957285 -4.037566
G65 9HZ 16 0 55.957121 -4.039912
G65 9JA 50 0 55.956525 -4.039
G65 9JB 5 0 55.956372 -4.04061
G65 9JD 23 0 55.955681 -4.039468
G65 9JE 2 2 55.977913 -4.06246
G65 9JF 3 3 55.961388 -4.047058
G65 9JG 3 2 55.956462 -4.037002