all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G72 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0RT 10 0 55.788327 -4.100733
G72 0RU 8 0 55.788848 -4.100219
G72 0RY 12 0 55.789096 -4.098892
G72 0RZ 4 0 55.788236 -4.096087
G72 0SB 7 0 55.78804 -4.097033
G72 0SD 19 0 55.788383 -4.096382
G72 0SE 7 0 55.788704 -4.097101
G72 0SF 6 0 55.788782 -4.097571
G72 0SG 5 0 55.788986 -4.097945
G72 0SH 11 0 55.789543 -4.098454
G72 0SJ 3 0 55.789866 -4.098519
G72 0SL 5 0 55.790068 -4.098275
G72 0SN 10 0 55.7903 -4.097824
G72 0SP 9 0 55.790829 -4.097358
G72 0SQ 9 0 55.789306 -4.098664
G72 0SR 17 0 55.791295 -4.096921
G72 0SS 14 0 55.790696 -4.096729
G72 0ST 7 0 55.789831 -4.097911
G72 0SU 18 0 55.790312 -4.096597
G72 0SW 9 0 55.790572 -4.097711