all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0HY 14 0 55.784049 -4.090726
G72 0HZ 49 0 55.783878 -4.099728
G72 0JA 18 12 55.780232 -4.094253
G72 0JB 5 4 55.780897 -4.084258
G72 0JD 1 1 55.793693 -4.085388
G72 0JE 1 1 55.780364 -4.091262
G72 0JF 18 1 55.792991 -4.084952
G72 0JG 8 4 55.795106 -4.084236
G72 0JL 2 2 55.793088 -4.082664
G72 0JP 13 8 55.79265 -4.082222
G72 0JS 1 1 55.793021 -4.086884
G72 0JX 12 0 55.789372 -4.077342
G72 0JY 1 1 55.788636 -4.075707
G72 0JZ 8 4 55.787966 -4.075991
G72 0LA 14 1 55.788096 -4.076763
G72 0LB 59 0 55.787622 -4.07929
G72 0LE 73 0 55.787008 -4.082144
G72 0LF 8 0 55.786896 -4.083414
G72 0LG 38 0 55.788283 -4.08435
G72 0LJ 6 0 55.788126 -4.081901