all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G72 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0WX 38 0 55.787783 -4.087848
G72 0NR 10 0 55.788272 -4.089708
G72 0NS 47 0 55.790332 -4.088032
G72 0NT 41 1 55.790397 -4.087398
G72 0NW 20 0 55.789223 -4.092455
G72 0NY 20 1 55.79129 -4.086137
G72 0PA 34 0 55.790332 -4.085943
G72 0PB 8 0 55.789494 -4.087078
G72 0PD 8 0 55.790654 -4.086534
G72 0PE 10 0 55.789821 -4.085836
G72 0PF 10 0 55.789914 -4.086191
G72 0PP 12 0 55.791307 -4.084591
G72 0PR 7 0 55.79008 -4.084366
G72 0PU 8 1 55.788787 -4.088013
G72 0PZ 20 0 55.790542 -4.084694
G72 0QA 7 0 55.786426 -4.098924
G72 0QD 17 14 55.792568 -4.088953
G72 0QG 11 0 55.786279 -4.098565
G72 0QH 14 0 55.788078 -4.089491
G72 0QL 4 0 55.790708 -4.101072