all postcodes in G72 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G72 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G72 0QN 34 0 55.79088 -4.098589
G72 0QP 10 0 55.789726 -4.099357
G72 0QR 8 0 55.789844 -4.09981
G72 0QS 24 0 55.790353 -4.10156
G72 0QT 6 0 55.790145 -4.102139
G72 0QU 18 0 55.789567 -4.100752
G72 0QW 6 0 55.79033 -4.099214
G72 0QX 5 0 55.788971 -4.099858
G72 0QY 10 0 55.790172 -4.100561
G72 0QZ 16 0 55.78962 -4.102908
G72 0RA 3 0 55.789511 -4.103492
G72 0RD 3 0 55.789653 -4.102033
G72 0RF 4 0 55.789387 -4.101795
G72 0RG 7 0 55.789288 -4.101327
G72 0RH 23 0 55.788435 -4.100196
G72 0RJ 17 0 55.788564 -4.098417
G72 0RP 11 0 55.787504 -4.10104
G72 0RQ 28 0 55.788934 -4.101515
G72 0RR 6 0 55.787906 -4.101157
G72 0RS 9 0 55.78816 -4.101059