all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G74 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 4LZ 23 14 55.765219 -4.17499
G74 4NB 10 6 55.775189 -4.178109
G74 4ND 36 0 55.769815 -4.200783
G74 4NE 1 1 55.765365 -4.17407
G74 4NG 53 12 55.764828 -4.17396
G74 4NH 12 0 55.770515 -4.19427
G74 4NJ 26 0 55.768017 -4.19574
G74 4NL 13 0 55.7698 -4.193528
G74 4NN 23 0 55.768983 -4.194008
G74 4NQ 1 1 55.774492 -4.179378
G74 4NR 3 0 55.778838 -4.184691
G74 4GU 1 0 55.778164 -4.18923
G74 4NS 2 0 55.780185 -4.187002
G74 4NU 5 1 55.783692 -4.191693
G74 4NW 1 1 55.775976 -4.175251
G74 4NX 2 0 55.784624 -4.188048
G74 4NY 1 1 55.77795 -4.170628
G74 4NZ 5 0 55.785532 -4.167474
G74 4PA 14 4 55.786379 -4.164841
G74 4PB 12 0 55.78614 -4.164126