all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 4JY 7 1 55.768115 -4.17612
G74 4JZ 17 0 55.76746 -4.179097
G74 4LA 8 0 55.76777 -4.180389
G74 4LB 10 0 55.768761 -4.179743
G74 4LD 12 0 55.769079 -4.180558
G74 4LE 5 0 55.768382 -4.178797
G74 4LF 12 0 55.768491 -4.180733
G74 4LG 19 0 55.769819 -4.180871
G74 4LH 17 0 55.769267 -4.17907
G74 4LJ 18 0 55.769966 -4.179667
G74 4LL 23 0 55.771424 -4.180083
G74 4LN 49 1 55.767309 -4.176442
G74 4LP 19 0 55.769065 -4.194954
G74 4LQ 22 0 55.770918 -4.179194
G74 4LR 1 1 55.761358 -4.176541
G74 4LT 8 0 55.764337 -4.175814
G74 4LU 16 0 55.766374 -4.176485
G74 4LW 19 0 55.763948 -4.168284
G74 4LX 4 0 55.763941 -4.174074
G74 4LY 49 12 55.76454 -4.17447