all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 4QT 12 0 55.771367 -4.195912
G74 4QU 8 0 55.771754 -4.192363
G74 4QW 8 0 55.770215 -4.196485
G74 4QZ 28 18 55.778712 -4.165915
G74 4RA 28 0 55.771869 -4.184859
G74 4RB 4 0 55.772594 -4.183802
G74 4RD 9 0 55.772172 -4.183521
G74 4RE 25 0 55.771445 -4.182922
G74 4RF 8 0 55.770719 -4.183823
G74 4RG 12 0 55.77068 -4.186547
G74 4RH 9 0 55.771278 -4.185767
G74 4RJ 10 0 55.770908 -4.185858
G74 4RL 66 0 55.77217 -4.182102
G74 4RN 7 0 55.770755 -4.199975
G74 4RP 14 0 55.770856 -4.198833
G74 4RQ 16 0 55.7705 -4.185054
G74 4RR 19 1 55.769171 -4.190033
G74 4RS 10 0 55.769819 -4.189974
G74 4RT 29 0 55.770372 -4.190691
G74 4RU 17 0 55.773442 -4.183353