all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 4PE 13 0 55.788549 -4.160001
G74 4PF 2 0 55.78487 -4.164043
G74 4PH 1 1 55.783078 -4.161421
G74 4PL 62 0 55.772004 -4.193923
G74 4PP 1 1 55.777325 -4.178754
G74 4PR 12 0 55.772686 -4.194488
G74 4PS 2 1 55.774558 -4.168287
G74 4PY 1 1 55.761358 -4.176541
G74 4QA 2 0 55.783174 -4.165926
G74 4QD 42 23 55.776219 -4.164855
G74 4QE 19 0 55.775792 -4.216237
G74 4QF 7 0 55.776246 -4.214987
G74 4QG 7 0 55.775272 -4.21466
G74 4QJ 10 0 55.770686 -4.197277
G74 4QL 19 14 55.779111 -4.174867
G74 4QN 12 0 55.77091 -4.196333
G74 4QP 32 0 55.770546 -4.195037
G74 4QQ 1 1 55.777098 -4.17938
G74 4QR 21 0 55.771697 -4.197557
G74 4QS 16 0 55.771955 -4.197189