all postcodes in G78 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G78 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G78 1TB 46 0 55.80493 -4.378716
G78 1TD 1 0 55.802137 -4.368365
G78 1TE 8 1 55.807025 -4.367722
G78 1TF 5 0 55.808132 -4.36932
G78 1TG 1 1 55.801121 -4.398047
G78 1TH 3 3 55.813135 -4.377143
G78 1TJ 3 0 55.814498 -4.387728
G78 1TL 2 1 55.81284 -4.396949
G78 1TN 10 5 55.811183 -4.38601
G78 1TS 1 0 55.795164 -4.412199
G78 1TT 44 0 55.794655 -4.414768
G78 1TU 2 0 55.791927 -4.415222
G78 1TW 2 0 55.814557 -4.40245
G78 1TY 25 0 55.793265 -4.406386
G78 1TZ 4 0 55.793741 -4.417392
G78 1UA 10 0 55.811294 -4.40734
G78 1UL 60 0 55.794138 -4.411817
G78 1UT 26 0 55.808747 -4.380258
G78 1UU 36 0 55.808594 -4.382579
G78 1UX 8 0 55.807714 -4.384392