all postcodes in G78 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G78 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G78 1LT 24 0 55.795123 -4.408304
G78 1LU 4 0 55.795972 -4.406729
G78 1LW 52 0 55.796645 -4.404042
G78 1LX 35 0 55.797154 -4.406068
G78 1LZ 4 0 55.804426 -4.391245
G78 1NB 30 0 55.81166 -4.39595
G78 1ND 15 2 55.805558 -4.398224
G78 1NF 1 1 55.804764 -4.397888
G78 1NH 11 0 55.806752 -4.39643
G78 1NJ 67 0 55.811199 -4.396528
G78 1NL 14 0 55.806733 -4.397865
G78 1NN 8 1 55.806834 -4.398702
G78 1NP 2 0 55.809014 -4.399124
G78 1NQ 55 2 55.806253 -4.396671
G78 1NR 12 0 55.810046 -4.399873
G78 1NS 4 2 55.811061 -4.399903
G78 1NT 4 0 55.811668 -4.39876
G78 1NU 9 0 55.807911 -4.398305
G78 1NW 21 0 55.808046 -4.399207
G78 1NX 14 0 55.808776 -4.39863