all postcodes in G78 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G78 1QF 33 0 55.801414 -4.394092
G78 1QG 32 0 55.801975 -4.394844
G78 1QJ 9 0 55.810484 -4.405518
G78 1QL 18 0 55.802303 -4.39504
G78 1QN 42 5 55.801277 -4.399748
G78 1QP 24 2 55.799921 -4.399234
G78 1QQ 10 0 55.809904 -4.40395
G78 1QS 3 0 55.799791 -4.398524
G78 1QT 44 0 55.799437 -4.399365
G78 1QU 8 6 55.800307 -4.397599
G78 1QW 22 4 55.800875 -4.398879
G78 1QX 46 0 55.805356 -4.396568
G78 1QY 12 6 55.799441 -4.398007
G78 1QZ 21 0 55.800266 -4.399031
G78 1RA 29 0 55.799159 -4.399123
G78 1RD 1 1 55.799849 -4.391395
G78 1RE 19 11 55.799023 -4.39618
G78 1RF 19 4 55.79972 -4.395679
G78 1RG 76 0 55.799358 -4.396726
G78 1RH 5 1 55.800603 -4.396962