all postcodes in G78 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G78 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G78 1NY 6 0 55.810641 -4.399335
G78 1NZ 4 0 55.811222 -4.399051
G78 1PA 16 0 55.809911 -4.39854
G78 1PB 4 0 55.810601 -4.398151
G78 1PD 4 0 55.808267 -4.397114
G78 1PE 3 0 55.808555 -4.397531
G78 1PF 16 0 55.809143 -4.395987
G78 1PG 7 0 55.809873 -4.396798
G78 1PH 4 1 55.810018 -4.395801
G78 1PJ 15 0 55.810974 -4.397488
G78 1PL 23 0 55.809592 -4.397355
G78 1PN 3 0 55.81143 -4.398506
G78 1PQ 6 0 55.810305 -4.396298
G78 1PR 7 0 55.809925 -4.402882
G78 1PS 14 0 55.80969 -4.405245
G78 1PT 21 0 55.810689 -4.405163
G78 1PW 34 0 55.810488 -4.403475
G78 1PZ 4 0 55.801449 -4.400141
G78 1QA 10 4 55.802992 -4.393137
G78 1QB 20 17 55.805111 -4.392069