all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 9RT 60 0 51.883149 -2.221873
GL2 9RU 14 0 51.881474 -2.222925
GL2 9RW 8 0 51.881638 -2.222127
GL2 9RX 12 0 51.881356 -2.223535
GL2 9WH 1 1 51.880438 -2.242431
GL2 9RR 11 0 51.882744 -2.221813
GL2 9QW 4 3 51.896005 -2.173364
GL2 9QG 4 3 51.896879 -2.173111
GL2 9NE 13 0 51.917618 -2.212825
GL2 9BH 5 0 51.883002 -2.23258
GL2 9DJ 1 1 51.881358 -2.230984
GL2 9FA 0 51.885145 -2.230292
GL2 9FB 0 51.884983 -2.230654
GL2 9FD 0 51.884873 -2.231351
GL2 9FE 0 51.884012 -2.230344
GL2 9FF 0 51.88451 -2.228443
GL2 9FG 0 51.88589 -2.23076
GL2 9FH 0 51.886678 -2.232421
GL2 9FJ 0 51.886401 -2.231722
GL2 9FL 0 51.884922 -2.229404