all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 9PD 6 0 51.906188 -2.246596
GL2 9PE 10 0 51.905808 -2.247669
GL2 9PF 1 1 51.879777 -2.253264
GL2 9PG 28 12 51.895523 -2.229927
GL2 9PH 3 0 51.9008 -2.220579
GL2 9PJ 1 0 51.897828 -2.22353
GL2 9PL 11 0 51.899285 -2.222897
GL2 9PN 6 0 51.899413 -2.222186
GL2 9PP 4 0 51.900596 -2.219081
GL2 9PQ 17 0 51.895563 -2.227457
GL2 9PR 8 0 51.899942 -2.218003
GL2 9PS 37 0 51.899654 -2.212987
GL2 9PT 6 0 51.901766 -2.213898
GL2 9PU 5 2 51.901146 -2.217961
GL2 9PW 3 0 51.901171 -2.219259
GL2 9PX 5 1 51.90349 -2.215098
GL2 9NH 3 0 51.905034 -2.21593
GL2 9PY 10 0 51.905741 -2.212842
GL2 9PZ 42 1 51.906412 -2.209952
GL2 9QA 12 1 51.901832 -2.211308