all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 9QB 40 4 51.9019 -2.1931
GL2 9QE 1 0 51.898417 -2.205875
GL2 9QF 4 2 51.892785 -2.180782
GL2 9QH 1 1 51.897498 -2.173811
GL2 9QJ 12 9 51.899163 -2.1728
GL2 9QL 29 23 51.897493 -2.170933
GL2 9QN 1 1 51.899545 -2.175519
GL2 9QP 53 1 51.897748 -2.222305
GL2 9QQ 5 0 51.895908 -2.190154
GL2 9QS 30 0 51.898471 -2.220361
GL2 9GB 14 0 51.898791 -2.222179
GL2 9QT 3 0 51.896473 -2.190999
GL2 9QU 1 1 51.898169 -2.163364
GL2 9QY 1 1 51.895919 -2.171872
GL2 9RA 14 0 51.877595 -2.220248
GL2 9RB 24 0 51.882074 -2.224454
GL2 9RD 54 0 51.877445 -2.237635
GL2 9RE 52 0 51.876635 -2.237994
GL2 9RG 10 2 51.876834 -2.241554
GL2 9RS 20 0 51.88213 -2.223321