all postcodes in GL5 / STROUD

find any address or company within the GL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL5 5DH 8 0 51.721506 -2.22289
GL5 5DJ 6 0 51.726131 -2.22588
GL5 5DL 3 0 51.727493 -2.223513
GL5 5DN 6 0 51.727852 -2.223732
GL5 5DP 1 0 51.728093 -2.224964
GL5 5DQ 8 0 51.721072 -2.214506
GL5 5DR 11 1 51.728367 -2.227267
GL5 5DS 23 1 51.729023 -2.227603
GL5 5DT 27 0 51.729996 -2.22645
GL5 5DU 13 0 51.729812 -2.22419
GL5 5DW 6 0 51.72804 -2.224326
GL5 5DX 3 0 51.730834 -2.225412
GL5 5DY 4 0 51.730862 -2.224847
GL5 5DZ 44 0 51.722388 -2.210252
GL5 5EG 1 0 51.718527 -2.229375
GL5 5EH 18 0 51.718221 -2.235956
GL5 5EJ 4 0 51.718874 -2.235528
GL5 5EL 31 1 51.7176 -2.23406
GL5 5EN 5 0 51.716792 -2.233621
GL5 5EP 10 0 51.715838 -2.234123