all postcodes in GL5 / STROUD

find any address or company within the GL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL5 5LE 10 0 51.732917 -2.247298
GL5 5LF 2 0 51.733288 -2.246069
GL5 5LG 17 0 51.730624 -2.249562
GL5 5LH 3 0 51.72841 -2.254545
GL5 5LJ 28 0 51.727883 -2.256989
GL5 5LL 12 0 51.727749 -2.243827
GL5 5LN 7 0 51.729613 -2.242694
GL5 5LP 13 0 51.732593 -2.240842
GL5 5LQ 6 0 51.729149 -2.253637
GL5 5LR 12 0 51.732943 -2.24093
GL5 5LW 7 0 51.729167 -2.240722
GL5 5NA 3 1 51.729986 -2.23146
GL5 5NB 24 0 51.72683 -2.229558
GL5 5NE 14 0 51.725303 -2.228768
GL5 5NF 6 0 51.725154 -2.233766
GL5 5NG 7 0 51.724281 -2.234051
GL5 5NH 6 0 51.7239 -2.230922
GL5 5NJ 4 0 51.724315 -2.230548
GL5 5NL 14 0 51.723848 -2.230183
GL5 5NN 9 3 51.724614 -2.229159