all postcodes in GL5 / STROUD

find any address or company within the GL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL5 5NP 1 0 51.723877 -2.228837
GL5 5NQ 15 1 51.724104 -2.2324
GL5 5NR 12 0 51.722598 -2.227683
GL5 5NS 10 0 51.721995 -2.22823
GL5 5NT 6 0 51.721091 -2.228548
GL5 5NU 6 0 51.720877 -2.227548
GL5 5NX 4 0 51.719155 -2.229725
GL5 5NY 3 0 51.720118 -2.233957
GL5 5NZ 13 0 51.718265 -2.234498
GL5 5PA 15 2 51.722848 -2.231235
GL5 5PB 13 0 51.722773 -2.228296
GL5 5PD 10 3 51.722738 -2.231944
GL5 5PE 15 0 51.721738 -2.233024
GL5 5PF 3 0 51.722743 -2.233971
GL5 5PG 17 0 51.723059 -2.233408
GL5 5PH 16 0 51.724206 -2.235658
GL5 5PS 12 0 51.723334 -2.237633
GL5 5PJ 5 0 51.723734 -2.237725
GL5 5PL 3 1 51.720104 -2.253746
GL5 5PN 33 0 51.722689 -2.229743