all postcodes in GL56 / MORETON-IN-MARSH

find any address or company within the GL56 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL56 0SL 5 0 51.967362 -1.626837
GL56 0SN 4 0 51.967061 -1.625267
GL56 0SP 4 1 51.95865 -1.61262
GL56 0SQ 7 0 51.969569 -1.616949
GL56 0SR 7 0 51.969945 -1.62485
GL56 0SS 1 0 51.954236 -1.604901
GL56 0ST 3 0 51.957234 -1.628202
GL56 0SU 18 0 51.960503 -1.641433
GL56 0SW 2 0 51.963476 -1.620322
GL56 0SX 2 0 51.96106 -1.641067
GL56 0SY 5 0 51.961247 -1.640685
GL56 0SZ 14 0 51.970143 -1.648052
GL56 0TA 7 0 51.976315 -1.652575
GL56 0TB 12 0 51.945869 -1.700718
GL56 0TD 7 0 51.970295 -1.619025
GL56 0TE 8 0 51.97093 -1.617724
GL56 0TF 3 0 51.947103 -1.705104
GL56 0TH 21 0 51.947336 -1.704521
GL56 0TJ 32 0 51.947626 -1.705508
GL56 0TL 14 0 51.946171 -1.706041