all postcodes in GL56 / MORETON-IN-MARSH

find any address or company within the GL56 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL56 0TN 3 0 51.945377 -1.701478
GL56 0TP 2 0 51.946395 -1.698463
GL56 0TR 12 0 51.946499 -1.704439
GL56 0TS 8 0 51.946494 -1.698823
GL56 0TT 1 0 51.955823 -1.687279
GL56 0TU 4 0 51.94458 -1.699214
GL56 0TW 20 0 51.945777 -1.699803
GL56 0TX 4 0 51.945048 -1.703008
GL56 0TY 5 0 51.944629 -1.70432
GL56 0TZ 4 0 51.944483 -1.703521
GL56 0UA 5 0 51.94366 -1.705345
GL56 0UB 3 0 51.941318 -1.706931
GL56 0UD 2 0 51.938849 -1.704696
GL56 0UE 4 0 51.937146 -1.707002
GL56 0UF 16 2 51.945669 -1.70679
GL56 0UP 22 0 51.931617 -1.663406
GL56 0UQ 3 0 51.937887 -1.715725
GL56 0UR 11 1 51.932245 -1.662791
GL56 0US 2 0 51.932246 -1.663215
GL56 0UU 11 1 51.933763 -1.668713