all postcodes in GL56 / MORETON-IN-MARSH

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL56 0NW 4 0 51.960317 -1.676668
GL56 0NX 2 0 51.957122 -1.67502
GL56 0NY 12 0 51.959552 -1.679223
GL56 0PA 14 0 51.981618 -1.670909
GL56 0PE 4 0 51.992705 -1.658798
GL56 0PF 1 0 51.987022 -1.664666
GL56 0PG 8 0 51.983915 -1.659578
GL56 0PH 4 0 51.990287 -1.628498
GL56 0PJ 18 0 51.992753 -1.627019
GL56 0PL 6 0 51.993147 -1.628795
GL56 0PN 7 0 51.992005 -1.625877
GL56 0PP 6 0 51.990411 -1.625582
GL56 0PQ 7 1 51.984113 -1.644419
GL56 0PR 4 0 51.981014 -1.622096
GL56 0PS 1 1 51.987085 -1.687659
GL56 0PW 5 0 51.989999 -1.626168
GL56 0QD 14 1 51.964736 -1.740429
GL56 0QE 42 0 51.963325 -1.740568
GL56 0QF 24 0 51.96199 -1.742701
GL56 0QG 26 0 51.961071 -1.7416