all postcodes in GL56 / MORETON-IN-MARSH

find any address or company within the GL56 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL56 0LP 13 2 51.987514 -1.70031
GL56 0LQ 18 1 51.988921 -1.702179
GL56 0JX 3 0 51.988805 -1.70269
GL56 0LR 24 0 51.987403 -1.699088
GL56 0LS 1 0 51.987309 -1.701025
GL56 0LT 8 2 51.98808 -1.700437
GL56 0LU 3 0 51.988196 -1.699927
GL56 0LW 14 1 51.987201 -1.701084
GL56 0LX 19 0 51.98796 -1.698997
GL56 0LY 11 0 51.988599 -1.699225
GL56 0LZ 10 0 51.9878 -1.699871
GL56 0ND 17 0 51.986782 -1.702368
GL56 0NE 40 0 51.986259 -1.701862
GL56 0NJ 10 0 51.979019 -1.687103
GL56 0NL 3 0 51.976368 -1.674208
GL56 0NN 18 0 51.960398 -1.676798
GL56 0NP 3 0 51.96012 -1.676815
GL56 0NR 7 0 51.959621 -1.675363
GL56 0NT 16 0 51.95739 -1.671511
GL56 0NU 3 0 51.957354 -1.674957