all postcodes in GL56 / MORETON-IN-MARSH

find any address or company within the GL56 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL56 9TW 6 0 52.006116 -1.808471
GL56 9YH 1 1 51.99141 -1.701624
GL56 9YR 1 0 51.99141 -1.701624
GL56 9QL 2 0 52.020136 -1.707979
GL56 9PR 12 0 51.993296 -1.693211
GL56 9PS 19 0 51.992904 -1.694525
GL56 9PT 4 0 51.995008 -1.694437
GL56 9PU 5 0 51.995608 -1.693822
GL56 9PW 7 0 51.995816 -1.694243
GL56 9PX 4 0 51.993209 -1.694071
GL56 9RT 4 0 51.992456 -1.695198
GL56 9RU 1 0 51.992677 -1.693711
GL56 9RW 6 0 51.992257 -1.694646
GL56 9XB 1 1 51.991421 -1.701613
GL56 9XY 1 1 51.991421 -1.701613