all postcodes in GL56 / MORETON-IN-MARSH

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL56 9PN 4 1 52.024688 -1.638588
GL56 9PP 1 0 52.010225 -1.645465
GL56 9PQ 2 0 52.028671 -1.640759
GL56 9QA 4 1 51.994763 -1.705097
GL56 9QB 14 2 52.002526 -1.729315
GL56 9QD 2 0 52.002349 -1.72964
GL56 9QE 1 0 52.001156 -1.731493
GL56 9QF 5 2 52.004061 -1.728155
GL56 9QG 2 1 52.012114 -1.722165
GL56 9QJ 39 0 52.020426 -1.709869
GL56 9QN 18 0 52.019111 -1.709003
GL56 9QP 3 0 52.028854 -1.707949
GL56 9QQ 33 1 52.019771 -1.714201
GL56 9QR 4 0 52.034787 -1.689892
GL56 9QS 7 0 52.029399 -1.682234
GL56 9QT 9 0 52.032606 -1.677809
GL56 9QU 1 0 52.040067 -1.674358
GL56 9QW 3 0 52.031087 -1.720368
GL56 9QX 14 1 52.044408 -1.680348
GL56 9QY 5 0 52.045874 -1.69072