all postcodes in GL56 / MORETON-IN-MARSH

find any address or company within the GL56 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL56 9NJ 27 0 51.994906 -1.697377
GL56 9NL 3 0 51.998043 -1.687014
GL56 9NN 4 0 52.001544 -1.684182
GL56 9NP 18 2 52.004739 -1.679291
GL56 9NQ 21 13 51.99405 -1.700339
GL56 9NR 4 0 52.008401 -1.683839
GL56 9NS 9 1 52.004231 -1.705195
GL56 9NT 6 1 52.017959 -1.684325
GL56 9NU 4 0 52.026181 -1.672608
GL56 9NW 2 0 52.000861 -1.674266
GL56 9NX 6 0 52.021593 -1.655751
GL56 9NY 17 0 52.019344 -1.658421
GL56 9NZ 14 1 52.018973 -1.65462
GL56 9PA 25 0 52.023271 -1.651716
GL56 9PB 12 0 52.023469 -1.651773
GL56 9PD 5 0 52.024343 -1.64923
GL56 9PE 10 0 52.025233 -1.649281
GL56 9PF 18 1 52.024336 -1.647175
GL56 9PH 1 0 52.006751 -1.659594
GL56 9PL 8 0 52.025192 -1.647518