all postcodes in GL6 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL6 6DE 17 0 51.764792 -2.239608
GL6 6DG 9 0 51.763254 -2.239976
GL6 6DH 11 0 51.761921 -2.241288
GL6 6DJ 3 0 51.761424 -2.242632
GL6 6DL 4 0 51.760634 -2.241904
GL6 6DQ 7 0 51.763307 -2.24044
GL6 6EA 7 0 51.756329 -2.227755
GL6 6EB 3 0 51.756215 -2.226118
GL6 6ED 1 0 51.762488 -2.227612
GL6 6EE 3 0 51.761188 -2.225346
GL6 6EF 1 0 51.75865 -2.240604
GL6 6EG 3 0 51.760259 -2.240656
GL6 6EH 4 0 51.758247 -2.239776
GL6 6EJ 14 0 51.757626 -2.239685
GL6 6EL 9 0 51.756232 -2.240113
GL6 6EN 3 0 51.753749 -2.245025
GL6 6EP 1 1 51.753249 -2.247572
GL6 6EQ 4 0 51.758632 -2.240285
GL6 6ER 10 0 51.752921 -2.2497
GL6 6ES 10 0 51.753513 -2.250471