all postcodes in GL6 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL6 6ET 4 0 51.754061 -2.250735
GL6 6EU 7 0 51.754052 -2.250619
GL6 6EW 10 0 51.752411 -2.244467
GL6 6EX 9 0 51.754705 -2.252375
GL6 6EY 22 1 51.752374 -2.253202
GL6 6EZ 7 0 51.752587 -2.258723
GL6 6HA 12 0 51.751294 -2.253602
GL6 6HB 3 0 51.751609 -2.253531
GL6 6HD 8 0 51.751071 -2.257106
GL6 6HE 14 0 51.750292 -2.259941
GL6 6HF 2 0 51.750326 -2.258765
GL6 6HG 8 0 51.755568 -2.252308
GL6 6HH 9 0 51.757017 -2.251461
GL6 6HJ 10 0 51.758419 -2.252121
GL6 6HL 16 1 51.758921 -2.248458
GL6 6HN 2 0 51.75838 -2.247176
GL6 6HP 2 0 51.757723 -2.247477
GL6 6HQ 7 0 51.756333 -2.251892
GL6 6HR 2 0 51.758209 -2.247393
GL6 6HS 10 1 51.757538 -2.247422