all postcodes in GL6 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL6 6QL 2 0 51.787173 -2.193258
GL6 6QN 23 0 51.787579 -2.193974
GL6 6QP 14 0 51.788726 -2.196415
GL6 6QQ 21 4 51.786529 -2.192984
GL6 6QR 10 0 51.789061 -2.194966
GL6 6QS 19 0 51.789482 -2.195809
GL6 6QT 3 0 51.789813 -2.197086
GL6 6QX 18 0 51.790052 -2.193825
GL6 6QY 32 0 51.789334 -2.193054
GL6 6QZ 18 0 51.789027 -2.193734
GL6 6RA 15 0 51.790401 -2.194726
GL6 6RD 22 2 51.790995 -2.194177
GL6 6RE 2 0 51.795 -2.200657
GL6 6RF 2 0 51.790405 -2.206233
GL6 6RG 10 0 51.802445 -2.207554
GL6 6RH 15 0 51.787674 -2.196265
GL6 6RJ 17 0 51.787838 -2.195149
GL6 6RL 43 1 51.78697 -2.196388
GL6 6RN 11 0 51.787747 -2.195903
GL6 6RP 5 0 51.787481 -2.199019